Author: Jennifer Shaw

Creative Writer with Unlimited Imagination

When students feel they are not able to cope with their tasks in creative writing, it is always a good idea to ask Jennifer for some assistance. Her great passion is to assist people and create the most outstanding pieces of work, regardless of topics and deadlines. So, who is this woman?

Since her childhood, Jennifer has been keen on reading books and writing her own articles and short stories. Her early talent was noticed by both parents and teachers at school. So, they decided to create the best conditions for her self-development as a writer. In her adolescent, Jennifer attended various writing clubs, conferences, what contributed greatly on her becoming a professional writer. She has graduated from Chicago State University, where she was an editor and columnist writer for one of the local university`s newspapers. That was the place where she got her strong educational background. The author has also gone through many writing schools and courses with great certificates and results.

Now, Jennifer Shaw is one of the writers, working at our academic company. She passed the interview with professional examination successfully, so there were no difficulties for her to get this desirable position. While cooperation with customers, she always tries to find the best way and solution to satisfy their requirements. Individual approach to each customer`s order- that is the key for her success.

For Jennifer, creativity is something that can never end up. So, her mind is always full with fresh and awesome ideas, what helps her to score the highest appreciation from students. Besides it, this author is responsible and hard-working. During 1,5 years of successful experience there were no missed deadlines or some other misunderstandings. Experiencing each day, Jennifer only improves her brilliant skills and knowledge to support as many students as possible.

She is a true professional in academic writing, as she is able to hear everyone with specific requirements and turn in everything into one fascinating work.

Creative writing isn’t just the only one Jennifer’s hobby (and job). She also likes horse-riding, fishing and travelling. She says that travelling helps her to reveal all her talents and strong aspects. It also helps to get a great amount of inspiration. To crown it all, Jennifer Shaw also has a blog of her, where she posts about her trips.

The Best 5 Tips to Write a High-quality Student Essay

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 1 votes - 20.00% Click a star to vote

The best 5 tips to write a high-quality student essay

The problem of a blank paper is one of the most common issues. Many students face it while writing high-quality essays. Moreover, students are afraid of the fact that their work will not be suitable for the given topic. Such a fear simply means they want…

Writing a Reference Letter for Friends and Colleagues

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 3 votes - 46.67% Click a star to vote

A letter of reference is generally used to express support and provide an overview of the person’s talents. Professionals recommend creating a sample reference letter if you are doing it for the first time. This will help find the right strategy for the future thesis…

Write a Press Release and Pursue the Marketing Goal

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 60.00% Click a star to vote

Most press releases should contain a factual conclusion of the idea. Writing a press release is like spilling the most essential details of the story. They are put forward before the general information and meant to attract the readers. Lead sentences are the headlines for…

How to Make Your Philosophy Essay Sound Great?

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 30.00% Click a star to vote

Every paper that states fundamental questions or tries to find out how things really are can be called a philosophical one. When you take a critical approach and move in the sphere of thinking instead of retelling or fantasizing, you already take a philosophical position….

Tips on How to Write a Movie Review

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 30.00% Click a star to vote

Every movie that has an audience is worth being critiqued. A well-written movie review example has to entertain, inform, and persuade, express an original viewpoint without “spoiling” the plot. A brilliantly composed movie review can be a work of art in its own right. When…

Efficient Tips on How to Write a Diversity Essay that Works

Post Published On: | Author: Jennifer Shaw | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 3 votes - 53.33% Click a star to vote

Most colleges ask future students to compose a diversity college essay and provide it along with their grades and documents. These papers have a tricky focus – they are about you, your background, values, and life experience. As a rule, students find it hard to…

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