Author: FWSAdmin

Write an Article Review from Scratch

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 4 votes - 80.00% Click a star to vote

To have a logical beginning, the first thing we need to do is to define what is an article review. We can percept this writing as an evaluation of another writer’s article. Its type can be either critical or literature. As a rule, you usually…

It Is not a Problem to Write an Essay about Yourself

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 60.00% Click a star to vote

We often hear the phrase «Tell me about yourself» – it can happen at dates, job interviews, while talking to new people, in school and at work. People ask this question to know someone else’s life, but what kind of information people supposed to get…

The Definition of an Analytical Essay

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 60.00% Click a star to vote

What is an analytical essay? In this type of an essay, a writer analyzes, explains or proves the definite situation, case or another object. It is not surprising that every academic assignment can be hard to complete, but, of course, it doesn’t mean that you…

Learn How to Write a Stunning Narrative Essay

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 1 votes - 20.00% Click a star to vote

There are some types of essays you may be assigned to write. Sometimes people don’t understand the difference between narrative essays and descriptive essays. The target of a narrative essay is to reveal the full chain of events to the reader, which have happened to…

How to Write a Good History Essay?

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 2 votes - 60.00% Click a star to vote

The starting point in the essay writing is to find out what is history essay? An essay is an old French word, which means to “attempt”. It is the testing of an idea. A good history essay (also known as a thesis essay) describes an…

Key to the Perfectly-Written Descriptive Essay

Post Published On: | Author: FWSAdmin | Rating: 1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 6 votes - 43.33% Click a star to vote

The main purpose of a descriptive essay is to create a bright picture of a person, place or another object. One can simply confuse the descriptive essay with a narrative essay, though there is an essential difference between them. A writer of a narrative essay…

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