Get Aware of Writing Different Kinds of Essays Effectively
Useful tips to write 200, 250, 300, 500 and 1000 Word essay
It`s a common task for students of various educational establishments to create essays with different word number. We offer your attention useful information on such essays writing. Let`s start with creating 1000 word essay.
1000 may seem a frightening figure for students, so there arise lots of questions concerning the time needed to complete such an assignment, the number of pages etc. Still, everything depends on the topic you have, your writing abilities and of course, your desire. Here are few simple steps to follow while writing a 1000 word essay:
- Choose a topic. Sometimes you are not given a certain topic, and you should look for the one on your own. Select the topic, which you are familiar with and you can find appropriate materials online and in libraries. There`s a great variety of essay topics, so choose the one, which you can dwell on in the best way.
- Make guidelines. This is very useful to create a scheme of your essay not to miss some important details. Moreover, you will stay focused on the theme of an assignment. You can use some samples to create your own guidelines.
- Structure of an essay. A 1000 word essay has the same structure as other types, it includes introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction shows the topic of an essay, makes people interested in the assignment, encouraging them to continue reading. The body is the biggest part of an essay, where thoughts are given and supported by arguments, ideas and appropriate examples. In conclusion the above-mentioned information is summed up. You can google for some 1000 word essay samples to check whether your own skeleton matches the main requirements.
- Stay inspired. You are expected to create your own interesting content, plagiarism reduces your creativity and originality. Of course, it`s not okay to take somebody`s ideas, you should respect the work of others. Moreover, think of your own thoughts, they might be great as well, you can make your own contribution into the development of a chosen topic.
Once you have been inspired and interested in the topic you have been writing on, you won`t even notice how long your assignment is. So, you will easy complete a writing of 5000 words, not only 1000.
How to write a 200 word essay
Various situations in our life may be connected with 200 word essay writing. Sometimes creating a good short essay may be even more difficult than a longer one, as you get certain limits. The following advice can help:
- Create a plan of your essay. Three main parts should be included: the introduction, the main body, the conclusion. The introduction deals with brief and clear presentation of the main idea of an assignment, the body is about your thoughts and arguments, the conclusion is about summarizing the main points of your essay.
- Use paraphrasing rather than quotation. This will help your readers understand what you mean, use your own analysis based on scientists` theories.
- Try to be simple and clear to reach the main idea of an assignment. You are to find a balance between detail and persuasion, you should think well how to build your essay in the way it impresses your readers.
- Check your assignment attentively. Make sure there are no mistakes in grammar and spelling, since the essay has only 200 words and it`s easy to notice the mistake.
Instructions on 250 word essay writing
Work on 250 word essay differs from work on longer assignments. Some useful tips will help you move in the right way to create a good assignment. It`s usually written using short and clear sentences, its topic is focused. Check the following advice:
- Follow the essay format. Despite the essay has only 250 words, you should follow the format of an essay, using the introduction, main body and conclusion. Think on a plan of an assignment, keeping its main point in your mind.
- Count the words. It`s recommended to use approximately 25-50 words in your introduction. Don`t use more than 50 words and don`t forget about a thesis statement. Give your position clearly, don`t move around the topic, get straight to main idea of your essay.
- Write short sentences. As the word number is limited, you don`t have a possibility to write long sentences, use short ones instead. Each paragraph should include one argument. The length of the main body should be around 150-200 words.
- Make a conclusion of your assignment. It`s easy to sum up your essay, don`t forget to refer to the thesis statement and summarize the key point of an assignment. Usually you have only 25 words to make impressive final statements.
- Check your assignment. It`s very important to revise such short assignments. You should look for appropriate words, check spelling and grammar mistakes. Try to read your essay aloud as this really helps to find all the mistakes.
How to create a 300 word essay
Writing a 300 word essay won`t be a problem for you, if you look through some useful tips:
- Choose the topic of an essay. If you have the opportunity to make a choice, then think well, which topic you can better dwell on.
- Make a little research. You can look for some important aspect of a chosen topic, so you can start your essay and use strong arguments.
- Use a thesis statement, start your essay with it. It will direct your essay in the way you want and make the topic clear for your readers.
- Your introduction shouldn`t be longer than 50 words. Make readers aware of what you are going to present them.
- Make a brainstorm to create a list of ideas to support a thesis statement. Choose the most appropriate three among them all.
- Three points should be given in three separate paragraphs and supported by arguments.
- You have 50 words to end up your assignment. Do this briefly, support the main idea of your assignment once again.
- Check your essay. It`s better to edit it the next day if you are nor pressed for time, you will see more mistakes taking a new glance on an assignment.
Creating a 500 word essay
A 500 word essay is a typical essay, consisting of three parts, and including the next:
- Introduction includes the thesis statement, depending on the topic of your assignment. Take some time to think on the topic you have to make it interesting for readers. Usually, students are given broad topics, so you can choose some branch you like most of all.
- In the body of a 500 word essay you are to encourage readers with the emotions presented in your assignment, share your ideas on a chosen topic, present key arguments and examples.
- Conclusion should contain around 50 words. You should emphasize here on the most important ideas of an essay, sum up what you have already written about.
- You can make some research to support your ideas, use only reliable recourses and refer to them in your work.
Writing essays with a different number of words may seem challenging, but you should be optimistic to complete the task in the appropriate way!