How to write a compare and contrast essay. Do you know what kind of essay it is?

How to write a compare and contrast essay. Helpful steps that turn your essay into remarkable writing
Teachers very often give their students a task to create compare and contrast essays, since they develop critical thinking, analytical argumentation and systematic writing. There are many topics that you can find interesting to compare, and different techniques for writing these kinds of essays.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Works of great intellect are great only by comparison with each other”. Do you agree? I must say that comparison is very important even in our everyday life. Yes, we have to learn how to find differences and common features between two notions, subjects etc. That will help us to make the right choice.
Discover the foundation of contrast and compare essay
Firstly, learn specific details about this type of essays. Compare and contrast essay is multi-paragraph text that explains main ways how two (or even more) subjects are similar and different. In this essay, compare means revealing similarities of the subjects. When the author contrasts the given subjects he/she describes the significant differences of those subjects.
Sometimes it is very difficult to include all the necessary aspects to your compare and contrast essay, so a lot of people use a rewriting service not to fail. Your purpose is to remember the essence of this type of essay, which lies in comparison of two subjects. You can learn more about the notion of contrast and compare essay on: .
What will you write about?
The amount of topics on this first writing service for contrast and compare essay is broad. It depends on the course or subject that a student is engaged to. For instance, in the literature course, you can take for comparison two main characters or two novels, central themes, plots, settings within the text, or the intentions of the authors. In the history course, you can compare two states at certain period of time in history, two governments, two wars and their results, or the most prominent historical figures. In science course, you can be given the topic for comparison two theories, methods or approaches, or to compare different species of animals. However, if it is up to you what topic it should be, pick up something fascinating for you, then it will be easier to write the essay.
“Be interesting! Even if you have something interesting to say, your delivery can make people read or run”.
Write strong introduction
We know that even when we meet someone, the first what we see is the appearance of another person. Want we that or not, but the associations in our head are inevitable. The introduction is actually “the appearance” of our essay. As it is the intro part your readers will be acquainted with, make sure it will catch the audience’s attention. Start with some “hook”. Funny story, famous quote, a joke, even provocative question may be used as a good catching tool.
Organizing your ideas
If you settled on the subjects, you have to brainstorm all the information concerning them. After gathering your ideas your head will be full of those similarities and differences, but you can just throw them into the text. Organizational part is very important here. Don’t be afraid, the Venn diagram will help you out. This mechanism is used to separate things that are different and similar. How does it work? You draw two circles that overlap. Then you reveal everything about subject A, separately about subject B. The next thing is to find common dots. What are the things you would like to write in detail? What is the key part? Why do you want to focus on that particular issue? For example, if you describe two character of the novel, find what circumstances were the reasons of their relations.
Give the arguments
Before you write a thesis, provide the evidences for your arguments and positions, the reader needs to understand why your subjects are worth comparison. Provide one idea or statement that combines your subjects. Even if you find more differences than similarities of the subjects, try to find something that they have in common. Explain this in your thesis. The arguments will show your readers that you’re actually well-informed about the subjects of comparison. Find as many supporting documentation as possible for your thesis. These may be statistics, results of the research, interviews or other sources. Quite the same as write an essay scholarship.
Outline the structure of the essay
There are two ways how to write the central parts. The first is the block method. It offers you the following structure:
Divide the main part into two paragraphs (blocks). In the first one, write what you’ve found similar between the subject. In the second, describe the differences that were revealed during comparison. Then, give a few general sentences of both subjects without focusing on any of them. This method is used when you were asked to write not very long essay, about two or three pages in length.
The second, and more widespread method is point by point method. It includes five paragraphs. We are interested in three body paragraphs. So, what information should they contain?
a. Feature about subject A (remember that feature should be documented and specific)
1. Description of this feature’s importance
b. Characteristic about subject B (this characteristic can be an answer or close idea to the feature A
1. Description of how this similarity is significant
2. Description of how the difference is meaningful
Then write a conclusion (This section serves to show that everything you wrote has the common idea and is important for revealing).
We can conclude that essay is not as difficult as it may seem. The main thing is preparation. Even after reading this article, you already have enough information to understand how to write the contrast and compare essay. Remember practice makes perfect!
You can also find more useful examples of contrast and compare essay on: .