5 paragraph essay. The effective guides for writing a successful essay

Learn how to write the best five paragraph essay
If poetry is a music of our heart, then, essay is the music of our thoughts. Essay belongs to a free genre in writing. Having heard this, many start to think that it’s enough to let your ideas, thoughts go and you reach the success. Of course, no.
The thought must be well-defined, you have to express your point of view in the way that is understandable for the readers. Don’t focus only on your unique mental pictures, but pay attention to the target audience.
Variety of essays
Depending on the assignment you’re given, the essay can be persuasive, argumentative, compare and contrast, narrative, literary etc. The topic and thesis will be chosen according to the type. Concerning the structure, it doesn’t matter whether you have to write a persuasive essay or any other: they all are standardized and require 5 paragraph outline. The amount of word that should be written is about 550- 800 units.
First part-the Introduction
Intro is essence and theme of the whole text .The introduction consists of a group of components connected logically and stylistically.
At this stage, it is very important to formulate questions correctly, answers to which you are going to find out during your research.
These questions can help you to deal with the intro part:
Why is the topic that I’ve chosen is consequential nowadays?
What controversial concepts will be included in my essay?
Can I divide the topic into several sub-themes?
Is it necessary to give definitions of terms used in the certain parts of an essay?
Fundamental conceptions
MAIN PART- is the theoretical basis of the chosen topic and the main question. This part provides the development of arguments, analysis, based on specific data, other arguments and positions on this issue. This is the one of the most complicated phases in essay writing.
In the process of constructing an essay, it is important to remember that one paragraph must contain one statement and corresponding proof, supported by illustrative or scientific material.
Heart of the essay. Down to the core
Now, you have to divide your information into three paragraphs. Each of them should highlight different points. The structure that defines the body paragraphs is the following:
Topic sentence – the main purpose of the topic sentence is to present your argument in an informational way. This should be the transition to the next stage, in order to keep your pieces sound smooth.
Argument- the goal of your argument is to defend your thesis, to show it as a correct, strong, and true statement.
Explanation- describe the main aspects of your researching work. If it is appropriate, give examples from your life. Do not be afraid to reveal specific data about your life, about yourself, your family. The main thing is to make it sound faithful.
Concluding sentence-in the final stage, summarize the main idea, connect it with the introduction and the main parts.
(read more on http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/five_par.htm )
The fifth part. Make a strong conclusion.
This is the part where you have to give the generalization and argumentative conclusion on the topic like in research paper writing. The summary of the essay is additional explanations, restatement of the thesis.
The point of essays is the point of writing anything. It’s not to tell people what they already think or to give them more of what they already believe in; it’s to challenge people, and it’s to suggest alternate ways of thinking about things.
Find more examples of 5 paragraph essay on https://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Five-Paragraph-Essay.